Sunday, January 4, 2009

Anthem Final Chapter Questions

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading Rand's short famous novel, "Anthem." Answer 4 of the following questions for the second piece of the assignments associated with the book. Question #8 must be one of the four that you choose.

Chapter XI and XII

1. What great discovery does Equality make in this chapter?

2. Explain the following quotes in your own words, and discuss how they can be applied in your life:
a) "Whatever road I take, the guiding start is within me."
b) "For the word 'We' must never be spoken, save by one's choice and as a second thought."

3. What does Equality now realize is the proper goal and purpose of his life?

4. In what ways is "I" like a God?

5. Reread the incident with the Saint of the Pyre (page 50). What was he trying to communicate to Equality?

6. Why do the main characters take the names Prometheus and Gaea? Why weren't they allowed to choose their names in their old society?

7. What does Prometheus plan to do in the future?

8. Prometheus reaches the important realization that "To be free, a man must be free of his brother" (pg. 118). Cite several examples from Anthem that illustrate the truth of this statement.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Anthem Chapter 1

Answer question #1 fully and choose any other to answer completely. All questions relate to Chapter 1 in Ayn Rand's Anthem.

1) (a) In a well-organized paragraph, describe the society in which Anthem is set. Some areas to consider are the political structure, degree of technology, social relationships, quality of life, and education.
(b) Would you want to live in this society? Explain why or why not.

2) In this chapter Equality 7-2521 states that it is very unusual for men to reach the age of 45. Offer several explanations as to why life expectancy is so short in his society.

3) Clearly, Ayn Rand intended Equality to stand out from his "brothers." Explain how she accomplishes this by contrasting Equality's physical qualities and character traits to those of his fellow men.

4) Why does the Council of Vocations assign Equality the job of street sweeper? Is it due to error, incompetence, or a more sinister motivation? Explain.

5) (a) How would your teachers react if you had Equality's "curse"?
(b) Why do Equality's teachers disapprove of his quick mind?

6) Would you want to be friends with someone like Equality? Why or why not?